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Metallurgical Test

The metallurgists at Om Metalab Services Pvt. Ltd. possess a broad range of skills and expertise in metallographic preparation and examination. Below is a summary of their key capabilities:

Metallographic Preparation:

  • Metallography entails preparing metal samples for microscopic examination, which includes processes such as cutting, mounting, grinding, polishing, and etching to expose the material's microstructure. Accurate metallographic preparation is crucial for a precise analysis of a material's properties.

Metallographic Examination:

  • The metallurgists at Om Metalab Services Pvt. Ltd. excel in evaluating metal characteristics through metallographic examination. This process enables them to assess critical aspects such as microstructure, heat treatment conditions, and the forming processes applied to the material.

Macro and Micro Examination:

  • The team conducts both macro and micro-level examinations. Macro examination focuses on analyzing larger structural features, while micro examination delves into the material's finer details at a microscopic scale. Together, these methods offer a thorough understanding of the material's overall characteristics.

Weld Examination:

  • Weld examination is essential in metallurgical analysis, particularly for industries reliant on welded components. This process evaluates weld quality, detects potential defects, and ensures that welding procedures comply with established standards.

Case Depth and Decarburization Measurement:

  • Case depth measurement is vital for materials subjected to surface hardening processes like carburizing or nitriding, ensuring the desired hardness profile is achieved. Decarburization measurement evaluates the loss of carbon from the material's surface during heat treatment.

Micro Hardness Testing:

  • Micro hardness testing assesses the hardness of small-scale features within a material, providing insights into localized hardness variations. This information is crucial for evaluating the material's performance and durability.